Angela Montanye

Software Engineer

Hire Ange

Who is Ange?

Hey! Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you're here! I'm a Software Engineer with a passion for people and design. I'm a dreamer, achiever, and big on goal-setting. I like making things work smoothly and I like things to look good. Pretty simple.

I am a native Montanan, experienced in teaching Elementary Education, teaching yoga, serving diverse customers, working with non-profit organizations, and working in the health and wellness industry. I love collaborating with others and coming up with unique, new and fun ideas. I'm pretty laid back and pretty easy-going. I love to meet new people, so please shoot me an email and introduce yourself!

What kinds of Projects does Ange do?

I love helping people. Hearing what YOU want and making that happen is what I'm all about. From creating web pages to branding, I'd love to chat with you and help you create your vision.

What are you looking for?

Sometimes, clients don't know which direction to head or where to start. I'm here to take that stress off your shoulders. I want this to be the least stressful part of your business.

A little more info about Angela

Nestled in the Big Sky Country, located in Bozeman, Montana, Ange lives with the love of her life, Josh, and their daughter, Millie Mae. In her free time, she can be found hiking with her family, traveling to new places, camping, running, Crossfitting, or teaching and practicing yoga.

Ange has aspirations of traveling to Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and Iceland.

© Angela Montanye